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Understanding the build process

Traditional builds

modularity building trad

Traditionaly, each package would have multiple branches, one for every release. Such scheme is very straighforward, but limits us in two ways:

  1. Only one version of a package can be built for each release

  2. Even when there is the same version for multiple releases, packagers need to maintain multiple branches

Modular builds

modularity building modules

Modularity introduces some new features to the build pipeline:

Stream branching

Instead of branching per release, packages are branched per major version. This reduces the source duplication and the number of branches packagers need to maintain.

Stream expansion

An ability to build one source branch for multiple releases.


Modules are the mechanism of delivering additional versions of packages to Fedora. They have independent lifecycles and are usualy built for all supported Fedora releases.

Thanks to these features, it becomes possible to build multiple versions of packages for all releases while maintaining lower number of branches.

Creating a new module

If you wish to package an alternative version of something, or if you wish to maintain your packages on an independent lifecycle to the Fedora release, modules are the way to go.

Designing a new module

In general, modules represent an application, a language stack, a logical group of tools, or even a single package. An example could be httpd, PostgreSQL, developer tools, etc.

Modules have one or more streams. Streams are very similar to a major version of an application, i.e. Nodejs 6 vs. Nodejs 8, but also "latest" or "devel". Streams have independent lifecycles.

In technical terms, modules can replace or provide additional packages to the traditional Fedora releases.

When making a new module, think of the major three things:

  1. a name that would represent it well i.e. nodejs, postgresql, django.

  2. a stream name that would best describe its lifecycle and compatibility goal i.e. a major version, latest, devel, etc. We expect that using a major version will be the most common stream name.

  3. a list of packages the module will provide.

There are other aspects of modules, but these three are the most important ones.

Requesting dist-git repositories


Defining the module

Modules are defined using a modulemd file. A minimal example:

The following example is modulemd version 1 that doesn’t support stream expansion. We are introducing a new version very soon.


document: modulemd
version: 1
    summary: An example module                          (1)
    description: >-
        A module for the demonstration                  (2)
        of the metadata format.
            - MIT                                       (3)
    dependencies:                                       (4)
            platform: f27
            platform: f27
    references:                                         (5)
    profiles:                                           (6)
                - foo
                - foo-extras
            description: Minimal profile.
                - foo
    api:                                                (7)
            - foo
    components:                                         (8)
            foo:                                        (9)
                rationale: Our main package.            (10)
                ref: 2.4                                (11)
                rationale: Some another package.
                ref: latest
1 A short summary describing the module.
2 A longer summary describing the module.
3 Licence of this modulemd file.
4 Other modules and their streams that are used as runtime and build dependencies. "platform" is a reserved word for the Fedora releases. The stream names follow the usual short names for the releases i.e. "f26", "f27", "epel7", etc. In this version of modulemd (v1) there is no support for stream expansion. That means that only one release can be selected. However, in the upcoming version of modulemd (v2) there will be an option to list multiple ones.
5 Various references to the upstream.
6 Installation profiles that will help users to install the module. Keep in mind that not all the packages from the module need to be installed.
7 The module’s public RPM-level API. A list of binary RPM names that are considered to be the main and stable feature of the module
8 List of packages that are part of this module.
9 Name of a package.
10 A rationale why the package has been included. This is only for humans.
11 A dist-git branch of the package.

Building for the first time and adding it to Fedora


Building and updating modules


Overview of module files

explain module.yaml, what it should be named, what the branch should be called, where to find the spec, some example

How to generate a module

using fedmod

Requesting a new module

mostly a link to the process in the wiki

Requesting a new module stream

mostly a link to the process in the wiki

Testing your module

how to do a local build, why there is no scratch build, using odcs with your new module

Publishing your module

how to do a mbs build