
[archived] Boltron Instructions

Boltron is shipped as a container image. Use the following commands to pull it and run it:

$ docker pull registry.fedoraproject.org/f26-modular/boltron
$ docker run --rm -it registry.fedoraproject.org/f26-modular/boltron

Now you are ready to try Boltron!

Managing modules with DNF

You can find very similar guide on the Walkthrough and UX Feedback form - and give us feedback on the go.

Listing modules

List all available modules:

$ dnf module list

List all installed modules:

$ dnf module list --installed

Installing modules

Modules are identified by name-stream-version. Each module might have one or more install profiles - pre-defined sets of packages to be installed.

Modules can be installed by one of the following commands.

$ dnf install <module>

$ dnf install <module>-<stream>
$ dnf install <module>-<stream>/<profile>

$ dnf install <module>-<stream>-<version>
$ dnf install <module>-<stream>-<version>/<profile>

Specific examples:

$ dnf install nginx
$ dnf install nginx-f26

Updating the system

The system can be updated the same way as a traditional Fedora. The modules will always follow their streams. That means that if you have nodejs 6 (nodejs-f26) installed, it will not get upgraded to nodejs 8 (nodejs-8) even when it is available.

$ dnf update

Changing streams

If you want to change a stream of an installed module, run the same command as if you were installing it, specifying the stream you want to change to.

$ dnf install nodejs-f26
$ dnf install nodejs-8

How DNF keeps track what modules are installed?

DNF creates a .module file for each installed or enabled module.

$ ls /etc/dnf/modules.d/
$ cat /etc/dnf/modules.d/nodejs.module