
[archived] Resources

This page lists our Git repositories and other resources we use.

Git Repositories


Modulemd - This repository contains the definition of metadata format (Modulemd) used to describe every module. It also contains Python library used to manipulate files in this format.


Fedora 27 Content Tracking - Content (modules) delivered by the Modularity WG is tracked here.

Host & Platform upstream - Host and Platform is a set of modules or module stacks defining the base operating system, effectively replacing Fedora 26 Boltron Base Runtime module & concept.

Fedora dist-git - Module definitions are stored in a Fedora dist-git /modules namespace. There is no URL to the namespace itself, only to individual modules. Please see the platform module definition as an example.

Scripts and tooling

FedMod - A tool developed by the Modularity WG helping packagers to develop new modules, and to query information about existing ones.

Modularity on GitHub - Other repositories on GitHub.

Modularity on Pagure - Other repositories on Pagure.