Proposing Articles
Anyone is welcome to propose an article!
The proposal can be either just an idea, or a specific pitch (an example is below). Proposing an article doesn’t automatically mean the same person needs to write it — although they’re definitely welcome to do that!
Submitting an idea
The preferred way is to open an issue in the Fedora Magazine Taiga.
An alternative option is to email your proposal to the Fedora Magazine list.
A specific pitch example
The following article serves as an example outline for proposing a new pitch for the Fedora Magazine. This example was used for the Never leave IRC again with ZNC article.
Summary: Describe how to set up an IRC bouncer using ZNC
Description: The purpose of this article would be to describe what an IRC bouncer is and how someone can set up their own ZNC instance to connect to IRC networks and remain persistently connected to channels. The article would aim to educate the user about two things: what and how. Since IRC is a major communication platform for Fedora (and most free and open-source project communities), this article would ideally promote using IRC as well. The flow of the article would be as follows:
What is an IRC bouncer / proxy and how does it work?
Introducing ZNC
Download, installing, and configuring ZNC on a Fedora machine
Configuring IRC client to use your ZNC bouncer