

All the options are accepted only using data-* attributes on the element.
checked, disabled and readonly are exception to the rule, being default HTML input attributes.
Therefore, there is not any way to specify the options in JavaScript during initialization.

Name Type Description Values Default
state Boolean The checkbox state true, false 'checked' attribute or true
size String The checkbox state '', 'mini', 'small', 'normal', 'large' ''
animate Boolean Animate the switch true, false true
disabled Boolean Disable state true, false 'disabled' attribute or false
readonly Boolean Readonly state true, false 'readonly' attribute or false
on String Color of the left side of the switch 'primary', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'default' null
off String Color of the right side of the switch 'primary', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'default' null
on-label String Text of the left side of the switch String 'ON'
off-label String Text of the right side of the switch String 'OFF'
text-label String Text of the center handle of the switch String ' '
label-icon String Text of the center handle of the switch. Use to include external services icons String null
Name Description Accepted Values Returned Values
state Get checkbox state true, false
setState Set checkbox state (value: true, false)[, skip: true, false] jQuery Object (input element)
toggleState Toggle checkbox state [skip: true, false] jQuery Object (input element)
toggleRadioState Toggle radio state [skip: true, false] jQuery Object (input element)
toggleRadioStateAllowUncheck Toggle radio state allowing uncheck of the radio input [uncheck: true, false | skip: true, false] jQuery Object (input element)
setSizeClass Set the size of the switch '', 'mini', 'small', 'normal', 'large' jQuery Object (input element)
setAnimated Animate the switch true, false jQuery Object (input element)
isDisabled Get disabled state true, false
setDisabled Set disable state true, false jQuery Object (input element)
toggleDisabled Toggle disabled state jQuery Object (input element)
isReadOnly Get Readonly state true, false
setReadOnly Set Readonly state true, false jQuery Object (input element)
toggleReadOnly Toggle readonly state jQuery Object (input element)
setOnClass Color of the left side of the switch 'primary', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'default' jQuery Object (input element)
setOffClass Color of the right side of the switch 'primary', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'default' jQuery Object (input element)
setOnLabel Text of the left side of the switch String jQuery Object (input element)
setOffLabel Text of the right side of the switch String jQuery Object (input element)
setTextLabel Text of the center handle of the switch String null
setTextIcon Text of the center handle of the switch. Use to include external services icons String null
destroy Destroy the instance of Bootstrap Switch jQuery Object (input element)

The only event triggered it switch-change. It returns two parameters: event and data.
The latter is an object that include el (the input DOM element) and value (the new input state)