Fedora Diversity Advisor
underrepresented populations, so that issues of inclusion and equity can be discussed and addressed with the planning of multiculturalism and comfort. The Fedora Diversity Advisor will lead initiatives to assess and promote equality and inclusion within the Fedora contributor and user communities, and will develop project strategy on diversity issues. The Diversity Advisor will also be the point of contact for Fedora’s participation in third-party outreach programs and events.
Current Diversiity Advisor

Amita Sharma has been involved with the Fedora project since 2011. She started her contributions with work in Fedora QA. She is also a founding member of the Fedora Diversity Team. After contributing to the Diversity Team for around 2 years, Amita got the opportunity to represent the team as the Diversity Representative on the Fedora Council. Amita works as a full time Senior Quality Assurance Engineer on Red Hat Directory Server at Red Hat in Pune, India.
Information about the Fedora Diversity Team is available at the team’s wiki page
Implement diversity efforts that will have a big effect on the Fedora community
Promote inclusion in the Fedora community
Act as a source of support and a mediator should there be any concerns or incidents
Increase visibility of minority contributors and users through talks, feature articles, and awards
Make explicit invitations and providing financial support to attend conferences and give talks
Help develop skills by offering targeted workshops and internships
Create a welcoming environment by adopting and enforcing codes of conduct
Fostering communication, networking, and support forums with mailing lists and in-person events
Contact Amita Sharma online by pinging Amita on #fedora-diversity on FreeNode IRC. The Diversity Advisor also joins the Fedora Diversity team meetings.
The Diversity Advisor is selected by the Fedora Diversity team and approved by the Fedora Council. Currently the Diversity Team has decided to rotate the position with every release of Fedora.